miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

Citizen Journalism

Media Shifts Its Manners

The dynamic of our media suffers for the continued changes that are made all the time. Any time consumers and journalists are getting used to one way of communication, some new platform, device or application comes out and revolutionizes the way we interact with the information. 

Citizen Journalism Reaches Out

The way people do journalism has changed as well. It is possible to say that journalism has become a more democratic field, in which the old rigid structures of the traditional mass media have been broken and people are participating much more than they used to. People are communicating, criticizing and being protagonists of what goes on around them.

Traditional mass media has shifted their conduct towards the information out there and the public that is receiving or providing it. “Standard” people are demanding their space and it is definitively worth it to rely on them to supply everyone more pieces of information.
Today, what people express on social media can be as important as what journalists are saying in their public space.

It is impossible for journalists to be everywhere all the time and get all the details needed to tell the audience exactly what is going on. Nowadays, a large percentage of the population owns a smartphone, a videocamera or any similar device that can help them deliver information about any specific incident rapidly and efficiently. So, why do not use it for our benefit?  

Change in Culture

To be a journalist in our generation it is necessary to be multidisciplinary and learn how to use the tools available for us, such as social media, to enhance our reports. Finally, it is crucial to create a culture in which public spaces like this are used properly, so everyone can benefit from this type of interaction. 

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